- 04/2016 - Zagreb - homeland - monument - spectrum - tradition - image - brand - society - screen - game... -
ALUARTFORUM – House of Fragments

- 04/2014 - Zagreb - ALU - art - multiplicity - exibithion - art academy - city - park - block - historicism -
LACEscape Table – Lace landscapes in a form of a table

- 04/2014 - table - lace - surface - algorithm - culture - digitality - steel - tradition - contemporaneity -
Object vs. Population – 3d printed generative jewellery

- 09/2012 - information - generative design - algorithm - materiality - jewlery - ring -
Dubrovnik Pacemaker earns Honourable mention on EUROPAN 11

- 12/2011 - Dubrovnik - EUROPAN 11 - pacemaker - implant - infrastructure - city walls - museum -
Newton's bench

- 07/2010 – zagreb – tree – wood – apple – bench – Newton – green design -
Hvidra memorial

- 09/2009 – zagreb – antimemorial - participatory memorial - public space - nature - bomb shells - single surface -
Forest city v.
- 11/2008 - tree - house - forest - city - hypostill hall - living in nature - transformable composition -
City park Špansko
- 05/2008 - zagreb - variable systems - continous landscape - programmed landscape - dot design - voronoi grid -
Ksaver Šandor Gjalski elementary school upgrade
- 12/2007 - Zagreb - spatial potential - maximum efficiency - atrium – spatial niche - retaining wall - terrain - school -
Zelena Jama
- 06/2007 - ljubljana - program stripes – deformation system – green oases – urban space – neighbourhood – city -
Ante Kovačić elementary school gym

- 06/2006 - zagreb - symmetry - section translation - two sections envelope - prefabricated facility - reprogramming -
0 = ∞ ?

- 09/2004 - space - human senses - 4 dimensions - reality perception - extremes - fractals - ilusion -